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Old 06-02-2003, 11:40 PM
bklynh2srock bklynh2srock is offline
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Posts: 173
bklynh2srock is off the scale

I only disagree on one point, albeit minor. Do I believe they HAD WMD at one point and we should have been concerned enough to go to war over it for that sole reason? Yes, because the Inspector Cluseau's over at the UN actually confirmed they had a ton (not literally) of WMD at one point. Do I believe that they may have been destroyed/disseminated to make W look like an ass? Possibly. But I don't care about all of the above in the scope of things, for all the reasons MAC mentioned. Quite frankly, my dear, I don't give a WMD damn.

Link to 9/11? Don't care.

It is obvious that we cannot send the people who plot against us to a shrink and reason with them. After thinking of all those souls that lost their lives on 9/11, after having the wheels of one of the planes (and other unthinkable things) land in front of my office, after being displaced for months and having papers from the WTC land around our apartment (yes, in Brooklyn) and Peter losing many, many people he knew, we personally don't care. We have concluded that anyone that sick does not listen or understand reason, the only thing they understand is overwhelming force. Maybe it is because I am still completely incapable of understanding why anyone would want to cause so much pain. Maybe it is because I am still a very, very angry person.
Trapped in material plane,
she wants to fly and they think she\'s insane,
but she knows what she knows.
Give that girl wings and that\'s all she wrote.
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