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Old 06-02-2003, 10:53 PM
MAC MAC is offline
Hummer Authority
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: The Peninsula, California, USA
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MAC is off the scale

Now that I just finished a swim in the perfect 86 degree pool, I think I'll join you in the conspiracy theory talk.

I personally never believe in WMD, nor in helping the Iraqis, we don't like them, they don't like us, but it does make us feel better now that we saved them. The big picture in my humble opinion is 2 things: war on terrorism and oil. Before you right wing nuts jump on me, let me tell you that I am more right wing than you. I strongly support the Gulf War II and President Bush and Chenney, there is nothing wrong with fight the terrorism and grabbing oil.

I love looking at maps. If you look at the map, what is THE prime real estate available? Iraq. It is in the center of every bad guys. Do you want to sit home and wait for the next attack which is sure to come? Or do you mount the best defense: a strong offense. You go straight to the center of all the evil, you shoot your way straight into the hornet’s nest, John Wayne style. There is nothing to apologize for and nobody to apologize to. You hit us on 9/11, we told you we are coming to hit you hard, you have been warned, you messed with me and I will mess with you.

Was Iraq in anyway linked to 9/11? Doesn’t matter, that is the nest we must go in to smash it, hat was the only door if you look at the map. Now we are there, I don’t believe any of the talk that we will leave as soon as all things settle, no way, we are there to stay for 50 years, the same way we stayed for over 50 years in Japan and Germany, which secured Asia and Europe for us for over 50 years. That’s what will be done with Iraq. If you are Iran or any other Arab, how do you feel having John Wayne live next door to you? Would you kindly change your manner? Sure you would.

My family and guests are at the pool calling me, so let me rush to the oil.

Every American Middle East policy in the last 100 years has been based on oil, that is the root of every single policy, may not be the surface. I would be absolutely shocked if this one is not about oil. There is nothing wrong about fighting for oil. Only 16 of over 80 proven Iraqi oil field have been pumped, and all to a very minimum degree, the cost per bbl is under $1, Saudi is $2.50 a bbl, while in the US it is $10 a bbl. If you are the Saudis or OPEC, how do you feel? Not very comfortable I hope. Will you change the way you do business with an oil rich John Wayne next door? You bet.

Let’s not to say we will stop pretending we are searching for WMD, not oil, or saving the Iraqis, of course we shall continue the dance. That is how the business is done.

I am sure tons of people will disagree with me here, let’s start a conversation and tell me I am wrong and I could be totally wrong. My tiny brain needs some excise. I am going for a swim.

[This message was edited by MAC on 06-02-03 at 06:16 PM.]
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