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Old 12-29-2003, 08:47 PM
Frank Hewitt Frank Hewitt is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Monticello, IL, USA
Posts: 177
Frank Hewitt is off the scale


I don't find your leakage problem the least but funny. But for we '03 owners who have read our share of folks who insisted on buying an '04 instead of an '03 due to the (primarily early-run '03) issues.---- it is pretty ironic.
That's cool that your dealer replaced the whole carpet without your asking the to do so, but that's only right. I have not heard of any other '04 issues, but with the good ol' general pumping them out in mass quantities-- as they are known all too well for-- it's bound to produce a quality issue here and there.
I've had no leakage other than when I went "a bit" too deap in a river and got some water in the front driver's side that pushed past the door-seals. (my fault entirely-- it wasn't on purpose!) But from what I've read here over the last 11 months or so, I would certainly be learly of the sunroof or front running-lights as the culprit. I suppose that if the roof has to leak you would only hope that it would run down the inside of the pillars rather than into the dash/electrical system.
Welcome to the site!!! Enjoy your ride, and I hope it stays dry.

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