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Old 10-08-2003, 01:02 PM
Keith Strong Keith Strong is offline
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Lincoln, CA
Posts: 8
Keith Strong is off the scale

OK. I am only going address a couple things for the last time and hopefully clarify MY position about you guys.

1. Damage to your rigs. I believe you WILL incur damage to your rigs on the con. I PERSONALLY would not take my 40, 50 or 60K dollar rig on that trail. I think you guys are crazy for doing so. BUT! I think its COOL! I love the fact that you guys are willing to take your rigs in to a trail where damage is all but inevitable. I think its sweet you guys enjoy wheeling and are willing to wheel your Hummers. Many people are street pansie mall crawlers and I respect you guys for using your rigs for their intended purpose. I WOULD NEVER DO ANYTHING TO INTENTIONALLY INFLECT HARM OR DAMAGE TO ANYONE"S VEHICLE OR PERSON. For you guys to say I want to inflect damage on your rigs is ludicrous. How could I do that? I wont be driving. But I will not lie and say I dont like to see carnage (from ANY rig) and dont expect to see it on your rigs. I was not one of the people on the PBB saying the mean things you are accusing me of. What I have said has been clearly stated in this thread, and I will be happy to speak to anyone about it face to face, on the phone, or via e-mail. I have nothing to hide.

2. Leaving a hummer on the trail. I think I worded this poorly before. My comment was intended DIRECTLY at Dennis. Anyone that has ever met me, wheeled with me, or come across me in life knows I am the first one to offer help. I have GIVEN out many parts on the trail, assisted in vehicle recovery's, stacked rocks, winched, and wrenched on random people's rigs too many times to count. I have been on the broken side of the fence as well. Dennis rubbed me the wrong way with his threats of Guns and Violence, and I have little to no tolerance for that. I spoke rashly and apologize to everyone EXCEPT Dennis. I would drive around him on the trail as he has proven to me he is not a contributing member of the off road community. I can even sight an example of the time I was peacefully enjoying a Sunday on my couch with my wife, and got a call from a club member. A friend of HIS I barely knew was broken on the con. I loaded up all my gear and tools and parts and spent 8-9 hours helping that person fix his rig (replaced his entire front axle) ON THE TRAIL.

3. Sincerity. I was sincere from the start about helping those individuals that wish to go to the con. I had convinced my club to change their original plans from running the Fordyce trail that weekend to going to the con to assist them. Since then and due to some other circumstances group wide we have decided to stick with the original fordyce plan, but my hand is still extended to assist you guys in any runs I possibly can. I will reiterate I think its COOL you guys are gonna run the trail.

To set the record straight. I am a nice guy. I help people whenever I possibly can.....both on the trail or in general life. I view the 4x4 world as a COMMUNITY the same way I view people in the world. I am not racist against skin color or ethnic why the hell would I care what kind of vehicle you drive? I might tease you about breaking something......or heckle you through an obstacle.....but I can GUARANTEE I have probably broken more parts in a weekend on the con than most of you EVER HAVE! I have been there, done that, and I too will be the first one out of my rig to offer my hand shake and a beer, and also the first one out of my rig to stack rocks, help spot, or turn a wrench for anyone that needs it.

I hope that will clarify for you guys where I stand.

[This message was edited by Keith Strong on 10-08-03 at 08:20 AM.]
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