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Old 06-05-2006, 03:59 AM
cow boy cow boy is offline
Hummer Veteran
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Santa Barbara, Calif.
Posts: 131
cow boy is off the scale

I dont know where U would put the bottle but I put one in a 4x4 1 ton utility truck could use gas or flip 2 swiches and run on propane. Cost with out botle is under $900.00 plus 3 or more hr's laber. The parts came from LA Calif. very simple to get then, now I cant remember the company . We want to put a dual fuel kit on 454 suburban, the bottle could go on the frame rail the same as U see on some utility vans . There is a little power loss when running on propane. If any body knows the name of the company in LA with the propane convertion and dual fuel kits let us know. Propane is very good dosnt turn the eng. oil brown, low air carbons. I have run 2 gen sets an the truck I had on propane love it, but is not for every one + H2 would only accept a small bottle if u want dual fuel. Any gas eng. will run on propane.
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