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Old 04-06-2005, 12:36 AM
LasVegas LasVegas is offline
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LasVegas is off the scale

Originally posted by ali648:
Andy C,
I am Adam's ex girlfriend. I spent my whole life with that guy. You have no idea how refreshing it is to see another point of view on this thread. I appreciate your contribution to this discussion. You have a good point. No one was there. No one knows exactly what happened. After reading horrible comments, (especially that hummoron made), about my ex boyfriend, I couldn't help but get frustrated, angry, upset, etc. I don't necessarily put the blame on anyone other than Adam, the driver, but I too don't know what happened that night. As a normal human being, I'm angered that ppl can just talk about someone I loved so carelessly (for a lack of better words). People here are entitled to their own opinion, but I know I've been emotionally drained reading this thread. I don't even know why I am putting myself through it. So, thank you for putting a different view on the table for everyone to see. You now know at least one person agrees with you here.
Come on ali648, with the exception of a few idiots like hummoron, who's not worth your frustration & anger, I don't think anyone is suggesting Adam deserved to die. Nobody will ever know exactly what happened that night but it's pretty conclusive that Adam placed himself and his passenger in a dangerous situation with terrible results. I'm sure it wasn't intentional, but that doesn't change the outcome. The best that can come from this is for you and others to learn a valuable lesson.
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