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Old 08-18-2006, 11:18 PM
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Default Re: Disturbing Images from England

Originally Posted by ETD
Yes, those signs were clearly photochopped. C'mon guys, let's not become histerical or worse, ignorant Americans. Propaganda is propaganda. What are we gonna do, shove all the "Moslems" into concentration camps and gas 'em? Puleeeze. You do mean "all" Muslims right? Even the Caucasian ones? The Blued eyes one? The blond haired ones? Oh, what you thought all Muslims were brown-skinned and wear turbans and have beards and speak Arabic? Right!!!

Were they really photochopped? As for the signs looking similar, probably only three of the protesters can write English, so they were responsible for the signs.

But, you did make me curious, so I snoped it.

(Personally, if someone carries signs like any of those, I would vote to gas 'em. )

Claim: Photographs show placard-bearing Muslim protesters in London.

Status: True.

Examples: [Collected via e-mail, 2006]
Origins: The series of photographs displayed above were taken during a 3 February 2006 protest staged in London by Muslims angry over the publication in Scandinavian periodicals of cartoons depicting the prophet Muhammad:
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