Thread: My H2 Stolen
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Old 09-15-2006, 07:15 PM
ZigsRig ZigsRig is offline
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Default Re: My H2 Stolen

Originally Posted by CO Hummer
Do you have any advice for him?

What other routes could he have taken? What should he do to pass the time? Should he have checked the traffic report? Would use of a handheld CB helped him to avoid the traffic jam?

Thats funny, if you didn't get it... he was making fun of your need to ALWAYS correct people when they arn't doing it "Your" way.

BTW, you say you had a "Full Ride" to a NCAA team which I assume you turned down to go into the USMC (which is about your only redeemable attribute). Why else would you mention your football playing unless you were trying to intemadate me or show me how much better you are than the rest of us?
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