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Old 12-20-2002, 05:57 PM
Steve R Steve R is offline
Hummer Authority
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Los Angeles, Calif
Posts: 1,283
Steve R is off the scale

According to a recently conducted survey and general consensus on the feedback would indicate that the proper ebonic term for MAC's name (in order to be 'down' with his 'hommies' while 'chillin' in their 'crib', hanging in the 'hood') would be:


Also, Hummergirl may have been offended over what actually was just a general referral to any individual: Bitches are actually a non-gender reference to any person, and its not even a disrespectful thing! It has come to replace the formerly used term "man"....

Admittedly, it is a bit hard to swallow....but in an ever-changing world and the pursuit of being "hip"...these are the terms the players are using. Lord have mercy!

And may not have been a good idea to have mentioned your 'piece' under the seat; that could have been seen as a challenge to "throw-down". Word to your Hummer!
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