Thread: It's Sunday!!!
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Old 01-28-2007, 07:44 AM
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Default It's Sunday!!!

Ha! Beat CP to it this time. 12:34 AM. Qualifies as Sunday.

I have a cold and my mind is racing, I can't sleep. We found a house today (well, yesterday now). Calling the realtor later this afternoon to tell him to put a bid on it. It's a freakin awesome house, 4500 SF on 3.5 acres by the Guadalupe river. About 1/2 acre is pretty rocky terrain, some large rocks too. I can easily get the Hummer back there. Great way to kill some afternoons.

So now I can't stop thinking of all the things I want to do with the house (I'm an interior designer, I can't help it). Like the master has a bidet. A freakin bidet. Hubby wants to stick a plant in it. What the heck is a bidet doing in Texas? Isn't that a Canadian thing?

Anyways, so yes, we may be finally leaving the ghett-to. Had another shooting last week 2 blocks away. Not kewl, the Katrina evacuess are getting closer, it seems.

The house does need a pool tho. If anyone knows any good pool/landscape designers in the San Antonio/New Braunfels area, let me know. That's the first thing to go in.

So what is everyone else up to? Hey Mrs, how many days till Daytona?

2003 yellow Lux, 12" Bulletproof lift, 42" Pitbull Rockers, 20" Ultra Predators, Corsa sport exhaust, painted interior
2004 Cadillac Escalade, white diamond, dual tip chrome exhaust, 20" chrome 9-spoke rims, altezzas - TOTALLED!!!! Replaced with a nondescript 2009 Chevy Tahoe
1970 VW Karmann Ghia, black with a flame job and too many mods to list
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