We made it home last night at 11:00.
What a great trip! I wouldn't call it a relaxing vacation, but it was a blast!
I didn't know what to expect when meeting a bunch of different people from the internet, and all over the country. I knew there was a large group that had all wheeled together before, and some new people that would be attending. I was amazed at how well everyone got along with each other.
My truck broke the first day and I had to run back to SL,UT to get it fixed, so I missed Hells Revenge

. It gives me a great reason to get back soon. I got the chance to run Sevenmile Rim, Flat Iron Mesa, Gemini Bridges, Long Canyon, and Cliff Hanger. Amazing trails and scenery! Pictures do not do it justice, those cliffs are hundreds of feet high and you can see for miles in the canyons. The trails are challenging and I don't think I would have run some of that if I didn't have experienced Moab wheelers like Neo, Sewie, and The Bully's along. Lonnie did a masterful job of guiding on Flat Iron! Watching that huge H2 get off camber (steep descent -pitching forward on one front wheel) on the Tilt A Whirl was incredible. Demo may not have run Moab in a H3 before, but he did a great job of spotting for everyone also (previous experience still counts). Moab trails are not for lightweights.
Neo and Nav were outstanding as hosts! Neo guided and spotted all day for over a week straight, then came home to guests, and bonfire parties. He and Nav must be exhausted.
I took over 300 pictures and will be posting some of them soon, today I'm back at work

It was great to meet everyone, and thank you, to so many cool people.