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Old 11-04-2008, 04:53 PM
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Default Post Your Voting Experiences Here

We can leave this a sticky for a day or two.

I left the house this morning at 5:45 and headed to my polling place, stopping at a surprisingly busy 7-11 to grab a soda to keep me awake. A clerk there said they’d been busy since 4am. “Good grief”, I thought, “the place is going to be crazy.”

And it was. Not bad crazy, just crazy busy. The entire church lot was full and the side streets were filling as well.

I took my place in line and waited… and waited… and waited. Thank goodness I had an umbrella because it was raining pretty steady when I arrived. It had slacked off by the time I left.

A nice neighbor lady and I talked for a bit with some other folks and time went by rapidly.

I’ve got to hand it to my fellow voters because it appeared they all knew not to wear campaign material. I didn’t even see a button.

As we got closer a poll worker came out and advised us of a shorter line if your last name started with the winning letters. Yippeee! I got to bypass a couple dozen people.

By 7am I’d gotten my coded card so I could vote and a few minutes later I was out in the rain heading to the truck to go home.

All-in-all it was a painless experience and I didn’t see any problems with anything. Everyone was orderly and the poll workers got us in and out quickly. No complaints from me.

The racial makeup while I was in line was heavily white with less than a dozen blacks and about the same number of orientals.

The best part, no liberal campaign signs or workers were anywhere on the property. That was a pleasant sight, indeed.

If you’ve read this far I guess you want to know who got my vote so here’s a few names.

McCain - Palin, Gilmore, Sessoms, Wilson, and Sweet
I’m not going to bore you with the rest.

Kudos to the Virginia Beach Registrar for job well done.

Update: It’s 9:52, I just spoke to my wife who’s in line to vote and she told me Chic-fil-a is handing out free chicken biskets! Man, I didn’t get a free bisket….
"My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government."---Thomas Jefferson
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