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Old 01-16-2012, 01:50 AM
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Default Re: Zombie Response team...ASSEMBLE!

Originally Posted by VegasGuy
I don't know if I can do this justice by writing about it, but here goes . . .

So the wife and I are driving south on I-15 near Victorville, CA. Traffic is heavy. Another H2 in the lane to our right pulls up alongside us. The driver gets my wife's attention. While driving he takes his hands off the wheel and makes a rectangular box with his fingertips. My wife shrugs her shoulders and shakes her head meaning, I don't understand. Now his wife gets in the action and he makes another rectangle with his fingertips. Then on cue, they both raise their arms up and move them zombie style and also move their heads and open their mouths with tongues sticking out like they are coming to get us and we are going to be our next dinner. With that my wife finally understands the fingertip rectangle is a reference to the zombie response unit banner on our rear window. With their act completed they both gave us a thumbs up and took the next exit ramp.

We laughed ourselves silly.

hahah that's pretty awesome!
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