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Old 05-11-2013, 03:10 PM
jsbihn jsbihn is offline
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jsbihn is on a distinguished road
Default Re: Considering trade H2 for 2013 Explorer Sport

Well heres my proverbial 0.02 cents (0.0075 after being taxed)

I know what I say really doesnt matter but I am in a situation where I should probably sell the truck, but I decided to keep it.
It is just way too much of a vehicle to trade down from.
I know there must be a few reasons that you are considering selling it, but the way I look at it is the ONLY thing that made me even consider selling this vehicle was the cost of fuel.
(and this is even after the electrical gremlins, the windshield wiper issue, the door lock issues, the seat being way to close to the steering wheel even when complete slid back on the tracks, the fact that there are many other issues that I am sure are waiting to pop up)
Just hope you dont make a decision you will regret later on.
The best of luck to you in whatever you choose :-)
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