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Old 07-30-2005, 09:42 AM
OldCJ5 OldCJ5 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 10
OldCJ5 is off the scale

Originally posted by DennisAJC:
Of all 45 pages,

These last two were the most constructive. I felt the love.


You come across as a genuinely fair and educated person. I have fully admited the facts about the jeep in my video where in most, false. Some things were in poor taste but purely for SHOCK value.

After thought,

I should have added disclaimers. That would have caused less of an uproar, but at the time, Mr. Hyde was on shift.

Thank you for coming here with class and I hope you stick around. Like Co-pilot mentioned, we're going to Moab in Sept or October. If you're interested, give us a PM.

If you want to see another class act Forum, go to Rubicon Owners Forum. They got the joke and the members there were not at all offended. Good people.

I had to bide my time. Let the less informed people post, and then show that there are some intelligent Jeep owners out there.

As for Moab, thanks for the offer, but I have a busy fall. Wife is away at school till around October, and then I'm going to VA for about 30 days. So I have the kids now, and then she'll have them. The price we pay for being a military family.

Thanks for the offers though.

I will definitely stick around. See what type of info I can share with ya'll, and what I can learn from ya'll.

I'll probably go stop in at Rubicon Owners Forum, and say Hi. I'm on enough forums already, what's one more.

If any of you are from the New England area, I belong to a great club. Come check us out at

Talk to everyone later.

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