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Old 11-18-2003, 12:45 AM
Roadsurfer Roadsurfer is offline
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 81
Roadsurfer is off the scale


Whatever you just said (it's kinda hard to follow along, what with your lousy grammar, poor spelling, and crippled metaphors) sounds like....

...obsessive materialism.

I mean,'ve mentioned your cars several times, in this thread alone....and it occurs to me that the only reason for that is....

...that you're short, or are suffering from HUMdeVille envy!

And yeah...this is an H2 site. And regardless of how twisted your "environment" sentence was (trust me, its bent....just go back and read the sentence out loud...even YOU will realize it sounds dopey).... remains accurate to say that any H2, in any environment, is, by definition, an H2 in its natural environment.

An H2 is not organic, nor is it a sentient being...its just a short, fat Suburban. And anywhere it is, it belongs

And I am keeping score: you mentioned your partner once, your cars three times. My guess is, your cars are more meaningful.

Happy motoring!
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