I have heard there is some Hummers that came with a head unit that has Nav. If this is so, can this Nav head unit plug into the Y91 system?
Also, does this unit need to be sync'ed to the car? (ie. programmed with your VIN or something to get it to play)
Lastly, where can someone get one of these used but in decent condition? and whats a fair price on this head unit?
04 had a very crappy Nav
05 finally got a decent Nav
It requires a GP satellite and other parts so it is not plug and play.
And all GM radios require a computer to sync it to the Vin
Given, I wouldnt care to retro fit.
Just wondering if say a 2005-2009 radio could retro into our trucks without mods.?
Also, what would I expect to pay roughly if I found a Nav unit?
I mean I know our 6 disc Y91 units can go from 50-75 bucks roughly..... so what do you think a decent Nav unit go for?
But would it work with the module in a later truck?
That I can't say, seeing a how a dealer has to program it to unlock it, a good bet would be to ask them, although it depends who you speak to, have to find someone with experience over someone that just reads out what their computers tell them.
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