The wheels were originally purchase 9 months ago and after about 5 months began pitting so they were sent back to Weld. Weld deemed the problem a manufacturers defect and sent me a brand new set of wheels and centercaps. The wheels have not been re-mounted on the truck because the truck was not needed so my father now drives it. I originally paid $4700 for the wheels and now want to get rid of them. Please submit your best offers over $3000.
Randy W<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre"> </pre>
The wheels were originally purchase 9 months ago and after about 5 months began pitting so they were sent back to Weld. Weld deemed the problem a manufacturers defect and sent me a brand new set of wheels and centercaps. The wheels have not been re-mounted on the truck because the truck was not needed so my father now drives it. I originally paid $4700 for the wheels and now want to get rid of them. Please submit your best offers over $3000.
Randy W<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre"> </pre>
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