Either take it to a car stereo shop or do this yourself... install the new adaptor up under the dash and have it connected to the vehicle accessory wire... now run your power wire from your gps unit underneath one of the A pillars and down behind the dash. Plug it into your new hidden cigarette lighter adaptor..... that way it turns on and off with the vehicle.
Plug your new unit into it, and you are good to go... now you have use of all the factory plugs, no messy wires around the dash, and the unit turns on and off with teh car.
Carless... riding the bus... Trying to decide on which 08 H2 to get
Just figured the sockets would go dead like the radio after a certain time and I thought I read somewhere on here that was possible....I think I will just get some factory type switches and wire them up to be off or on.
Carless... riding the bus... Trying to decide on which 08 H2 to get
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