McCain in Pa lays out a energy plan
Palin & McCain laid it down today stumping in Pa...
Clean energy from US and its workers...
Clean Coal
From US sources not our enemy.
Jobs, not redistributing wealth from workers to slackers.
Not controlling wealth, but creating it for all Americans.
He also spoke of his 22 years in the military and how he sat in the cockpit of a aircraft on a carrier waiting for the go during the Cuban missile crisis among other real issues. While Obama was a gleam somewhere...
He closed with the good fight message! If its worth having you must stand up and fight!
Meanwhile nearby Obama was taking jive about how he was going to give everyone everything and it wont cost you a dime. The old voodoo econ that taxes have been too low. Washington and big Gov is your friend and will fix all your issues. 40 Acres and a mule to everyone everywhere for free.
So will we lead or follow the world. Its your choice! Vote next Tuesday.
"For God so loved the world he gave his only son that whoever believe in him would not perish but have everlasting life. "
(John 3:16)
2006 H3 Slate Blue,Header,Jacked,CAI,Toyo35's,HHO.
71 Vette
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