Best thing I can tell you if you already checked all the fuses (in both boxes I assume?) is to hit the Hummer dealer in the morning before you leave for your trip, or go to one when you get to where you are going. Seems to me like the unit itself needs replaced if nothing works at all.
What really strikes me as odd is that you got your H2 detailed before going on a road trip. You do know it is going to get filthy 15 minutes after you get on the highway.
Sorry to hear about your problem, the timing really sucks as well. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ya thats for sure and its black to boot! how can you tell if the modules are bad you can see the fuses are ok but the mods you cant i s\checked both boxes and all seem good whats strange is the temp knobs light up but nothing in the led area or the buttons under it im hoping it is not the entire unit!
What really strikes me as odd is that you got your H2 detailed before going on a road trip. You do know it is going to get filthy 15 minutes after you get on the highway.
Sorry to hear about your problem, the timing really sucks as well.
I'd be HOT.
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