I'm not a mechanic. But I know enough to know someone is trying to screw with me.
I took my wife's grand prix to a local shop because the tensioner pulley started screeching this morning. They claim the tensioner assembly is bad, but won't tell me what sort of tension readings they've gotten off the belt.
Unfortunately, replacing the assembly is a pain since it's integrated into the side of the ending and has some cooler lines going through it. So I decided to gamble with the old beast and ask them to replace just the pully. I'll get a second opinion on the tension measurement later. Bastards wanted to charge $65 for a pulley. I know that's wrong.
But then they claimed 1 hour labor to replace it!!!!! Isn't it just slip the belt off, remove the bolt, put on a new pulley, tighten a bolt, slip belt on??
Am I wrong to be angry?
I'm becoming more of a DIY'er everyday.