Holy chit!
Just had HR confirm this and it kinda hit home.
Matthew Murray, the kid that just shot up everyone at the two Colorado churches.....we just fired him a few months ago.
He was VERY ****ing strange and everyone that worked around him commented on it. He was a refurb PC tech and did not talk to anyone. Listened to some REALLY hard core music, wore crazy ass shirts all the time with many of them referencing rape.
From what I knew of him, he was your typical little geek computer kid. His father was a rich doctor, and he was home schooled his whole life. He was twenty some years old, and his mother still made him wear khackis to work everyday, only he works in a part of the warehouse that gets 90 degrees plus and EVERYONE wears shorts to work until the snow kicks in
Some of the guys tried to get through to him. I remember seeing him at a party, remember watching him have his first beer, all that kind of stuff......
anyhow...when he was fired everyone was scared of him because if remarks he had made about coming back and shooting everyone up.
I'm sorry to hear about what happened, but glad it didn't happen here at the office because this kid was weird, crazy, and obviously ****ed up