HX makes production or not?! Take your Vote! Tell us why!
Do you think that this beautiful vehicle makes production. I personally feel that it will make production with a few minor changes just to bring down the cost to really make it compete with the jeep and the such i.e. the stock winch, and i feel that the interior will change a bit to such as not having those seatbelts. I feel like it will the production becuase the massive amount of positive feedback for it from like everyone, and there was like no negative feedback on it. And quite frankly its the effen sickest car ive seen in a while, everyone i spoke wants to order one when its available.
So vote in the poll and tell us why you feel that it will either make production or not!
2003 H1 HMCS: Ocean Blue Metallic, Grey Leather Interior
2010 H3 Alpha: Canyon Metallic, Cashmere Interior
2017 VW Jetta S
2012 Cessna 182T Skylane
used to have: 2007 base H3 Slate Blue
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