I took mine H2 back to the dealer. The service manager contacted Hummer about the problem. He told me that others also had the same problem. The factory told him that the coating material was not yet available for the public and would send the dealership the product when it became available. A couple weeks later the service manager called me and I brought my H2 in for recoating. I looks ok but they could have done a better job of cleaning the loose and flaking material off, but I am happy they took care of the problem with no questions asked.
The service manager gave me the rest of the can to touch-up any areas in the future. The product is called "NOX RUST X-121B" made by the Daubert Chemical Company. The lable says "one coat rust preventive coating for vehicle chassis parts". The lable on the back states the product "meets or exceed the following OEM vehicle manufacturer performance requirements: GM Spec 998-5404, GM Spec 998-6089.
Tell you dealer to order this material and recoat your frame.
THANKS!! I will do so!
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