Where do you think it's going from here?
View Poll Results: Where are the markets going next?
Back through the roof
Nowwhere Fast
Straight to hell
I don't know and I'm feeling a little sick right now
Voters: 15. You may not vote on this poll
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Another "Best Bet" down there is FEMA Trailers being auctioned off by the government. In some cases (Not all) they're liquidated as low as 95%(Median is 40%) off their sellable value in OTHER STATES or Canada.
I've flipped 4 of them so far and the beauty of it is, I never see them, I'll work it 5-10 minutes on the computer on weekends.
A word of caution: It sounds simple but some people blow it and lose big time if they don't have basic commodities experience skeelz. So cross your T's and dot your I's.
Nice to see a Canuck profiting off the remnants of a US natural disaster. However it does appear there is a conflict of interest. You profit off hurricane damage in the above mentioned way but also hope to profit off preventing hurricane damage with Hurricane Tape! You seem to have the hurricane market cornered... what's next? Is it any coincidence that you drive a vehicle that supposedly contributes to a global event that supposedly causes more hurricanes to develop? I'm on to you...
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