I'm thinking of adding a CB to my H3. It is a lease which I think I will buy at the end but not 100% so I don't want to go crazy. At our last local event I bummed one (thanks ChrisB) that was essentially a hand held with a magnet base antenna and it worked great for talking to folks in our trail group. Was thinking of going the same route, but then I see Circuit City has a small in-car unit on sale for 29.99. Was wondering how hard it would to wire in.
I see a small bundle of wires going into the car near the power break master cylinder. Would that fish out anywhere useful inside?
Also any tips \ tricks for antenna type placement and other general wiring for lights and or gadgets would be great (even if they just link to other threads).
it has pictures. i love write ups with pictures.
Most of the time I have seen where someone asks a question like this, gets 3 or 4 positive answers, then everyone else pipes in with their opinion on the subject! Just my .02.
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