Now that the hormones are returning to normal, certain things can happen to a woman's complexion and body. It's important that we men take care of our women and be prepared for anything that may come up. You never, ever want your woman to feel unattractive.
Anticipating what could happen I went searching high and low for all sorts of remedies. Low-and-freaking-behold I found another use for man jizz. When smeared on a woman's face, it helps the skin's moisture content, thus preventing it from drying out.
Needless to say, I believe I should actively encourage her to use this method to prevent her skin from drying out. Afterall, we know the other wive's tale worked, right?
Hey, it's on Alsweb, so it must be true. I'm going to do it.
I'm Gonna crazy you my body
Last edited by NewHummerGuy : 02-15-2008 at 08:34 PM.
What is a bukake?
natural health product video
I like bukake!
I find my skin rough and aged where as my belly is as supple as a baby's bottom.
I wonder if it will work as a hair conditioner?
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