Dead battery my case.
I know this has been discussed before, but I'm so happy it's solved, I have to share it.
For two months, I've been dreading going out to my H2 every morning and hoping it will start. 40% of the time it doesn't. Pain in the arse. I thought it was the aftermarket stereo that was installed..2 months ago, right? I had the stereo place rip it out, check it and put it back three times. They insist it's not them. Frustrated, I go to my neighbor who owns a garage and have him diagnose it. He came back telling that he noticed my ignition switch is really worned down and sometimes it clicks over to ACC by itself or if the H2 is moved( like if you go back inside and get something and close the door). So he replaced the ignition and put in big heavy-duty Diehard battery to run my new stereo stuff.
It's been another two months and the H2 starts everytime. So in my case, it was the old ignition switch and an underpowered battery.
Thanks for listening,